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Topic Preview Image Čísla do dvaceti

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Amazing app, it's super easy to use and learning on it is great fun!Gareth892iPhone  
um loving ituTalk CustomerAndroid  
The developer plans to release Tibetan, i hope it covers a lot of topics and look forward to its release. I am pleased with their response. :)Legit BronyiPhone  
This app has helped me a lot and has allowed me to communicate better with foreign relatives I wasn't able to before! Doesn't cost anything to do one language but do need to pay for any others but it is very helpful!Lovin the tranceiPhone  
This app is such a fun way to learn the basics of a new language. I love the new update with the additional topics!TrixxiiÕiPhone  
I cannot stress how much I love this app! When I began learning Japanese I didnt know utalk existed so I had to use the silly inaccurate free apps which didnt help whatsoever. Then, when I found utalk my life was saved! Thank you so much!Videos By Rainbow RockerzAndroid  
This language app is so good because there are so many languages and you can hear native speakers say the words so you know how to say the wrds properly. I'm also so happy they have Kurdish! No app has Kurdish and especially so you can hear the people speak so I'm really happy I found an app that has Kurdish in both dialects too!Zara9898iPhone  
Tons of available languages I'm learning Portuguese. KaMpErTuGaiPhone  
I love learning languages and this app is a great tool tool for getting better at the ones I know. I will enjoy using this for a long time!KizzijiPhone  
Perfect for my holiday next week!Le-Roy KarunaratneAndroid