Kom godt i gang med at tale på et nyt sprog gratis med uTalk i dag. Du kan vælge mellem over 150 sprog fra aserbajdsjansk til zulu. Din startpakke inkluderer:
Over 2500 ord og sætninger, henover 60+ emner, som dækker hverdagssituationer
Øv dig i at tale og sammenlign din udtale med modersmålstalende
Spilbaseret indlæring er sjov og intuitiv
Excellent and thorough! The 3.7 rating on here seems quite unfair; most complaints appear to be from people expecting more for free (and you actually can get a decent amount for free if you put the effort in). It's not really intended for 'dipping in and out of' like Duolingo or Drops, but as it's a bit more intense, I felt like I've learnt faster with uTalk than I did with Duolingo. If you're willing to put the work in, this is a solid app. And keep your eye out for decent offers too :)Mike ThorpeAndroid