
Få uTalk gratis begynderpakke i dag!

Kom godt i gang med at tale på et nyt sprog gratis med uTalk i dag. Du kan vælge mellem over 150 sprog fra aserbajdsjansk til zulu. Din startpakke inkluderer:

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Mere end 30 millioner mennesker er begyndt at tale et nyt sprog med uTalk


Over 2500 ord og sætninger, henover 60+ emner, som dækker hverdagssituationer

Native Speakers

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Spilbaseret indlæring er sjov og intuitiv

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Excellent and thorough! The 3.7 rating on here seems quite unfair; most complaints appear to be from people expecting more for free (and you actually can get a decent amount for free if you put the effort in). It's not really intended for 'dipping in and out of' like Duolingo or Drops, but as it's a bit more intense, I felt like I've learnt faster with uTalk than I did with Duolingo. If you're willing to put the work in, this is a solid app. And keep your eye out for decent offers too :)Mike ThorpeAndroid  
love it me and my littlr brother learned new languagesuTalk CustomerAndroid  
The other apps I try did not have the features that I find in uTalk. I enjoy the recording and the games. Thank you very much.Cathy SmitAndroid  
My favorite part is when you cant pronounce a word so you blast this up on your phone to save the embarrassment! Great app though.IcelandBlobfishAndroid  
This is a problem-free app I am using to learn some Slovak from the beginningGrzegorz K. JekelAndroid  
I love this app it's very well made and very helpful for learning any languages. Thanks youRebka LileAndroid  
I learnt spanish In secondsRose MbangeniAndroid  
Thanks for adding gulf arabic. I am so happy for it. Thank kulAndroid  
My French teacher approves this app.This app helped me prepare for my French tests.Dualingo and other apps are not comparable to Utalk.YurrrrrrrrrziPhone  
I was happy to find a language app that had Yoruba! Ended up becoming interested through having a close friend, and was bummed when my usual language apps had nothing for Yoruba. In just a day I've been able to learn a couple words. Not as fun as other game like learning apps, but actually able to retain what I learn from my 30 mins of studying. The price to me is great, especially with one area of words to try out free for a person to see if they like the app.Amanda JohnsonAndroid