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Peste 30 de milioane de oameni au început să vorbească o nouă limbă cu uTalk


Peste 2500 de cuvinte și expresii împărțite în peste 60 de tematici referitoare la situații de zi cu zi.

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I love it so muchGabisile SibanyoniAndroid  
Love it I love how interactive this app is. It will be very useful when I'm teaching my husband Estonian next year :) our kids are half Estonian and I'm positive we'll get him speaking the language in no time. I also like the fact that you can practice wherever you are :) I might refresh my Russian ;)Sirley YoungAndroid  
It is great it helps you in learning the language you are learning....... should try this appArohi HandaAndroid  
The Bestradiomann4483iPhone  
I am currently doing arabic and i love it. I have tried a few things in other languages too gujrati punjabi tamil french. A very useful tool.Adi24tyaiPhone  
This is my favorite language learning app! It makes learning easy and enjoyable. Great layout and content. I'm studying Punjabi, and Kyrgyz, and I've noticed more progress with this app than in any other app I've used.Emily SinghAndroid  
My French teacher approves this app.This app helped me prepare for my French tests.Dualingo and other apps are not comparable to Utalk.YurrrrrrrrrziPhone  
This app is amazing. I tried so many apps to try and learn the language I want to learn and they did not even have them. I got very frustrated on till I found this app. I looked around the app and saw thousands of languages. A moment later I finally found my language. I have been using the app and it I has been doing it job.Princess IbehAndroid  
This is the best app for learning languages, funny and effortlessrossinyol rossinyolAndroid  
I have tried several language learning tools - I like this one the best by far! Like more = use more = learn more = WINdavid petersAndroid