Почніть вивчати нову мову безкоштовно з uTalk вже сьогодні. Ви можете вибрати будь-яку мову з понад 150 мов - від азербайджанської до зулуської. Ваш початковий пакет включає:
60+ топіків, а це понад 2500 слів і фраз, що охоплюють повсякденні ситуації
Тренуйтеся говорити і порівнюйте свою вимову з носіями мови
Захоплююче навчання, засноване на іграх
This app is fantastic to me. I really appreciate it.M ChAndroid
Although I only downloaded the app today, I'm liking what I have seen, so far. I have been playing around with it to try to learn the format and how to navigate around the app and have found it to be really user friendly. When listening to the fluent speakers' pronunciation, I really liked that the phrase was spoken by both male and female speakers, as I sometimes struggle with hearing/understanding low register voices. Although it can be a little disconcerting hearing the recordings of your own voice (nobody likes the sound of their own voice), it is really helpful to hear it played back-to-back with the fluent pronunciation for comparison and self critique. I think I'm going to have fun with this app and look forward to learning a little (or a lot) of Turkish before my holiday next summerDelilah64iPhone
This is my favorite language learning app! It makes learning easy and enjoyable. Great layout and content. I'm studying Punjabi, and Kyrgyz, and I've noticed more progress with this app than in any other app I've used.Emily SinghAndroid
I love how many languages this has, and the coins, although a little annoying, are actually really cool when you consider that they encourage you to learn several languages at the same time in order to progress faster. I had more fun trying to get a perfect score on the hard memory game than I’ve ever had using any other app. I especially like that it gives you coins for exiting a game after getting it wrong, because that encourages perfectionists like myself to be that way, tricking us into trying harder and harder until we finally get a perfect score, and along the way, learned every word good enough to pull it up almost immediately. 10/10 will play again.mrpandaaiPhone
this is a great edventure.wlgbonzoAndroid
Great idea for an app - excited what I can learn in 2017! Thank youTilliesworldiPhone
Tried several languages (got package deal of 6). Fun playing those games with children, good for both language and memory. I do not regret this purchaseAlex ShatzirAndroid
This is one of the easiest apps I have been looking at to learn a languageRichard GreenAndroid
The interface is very user friendly, you don't end up getting lost in tabs and links. It's bright and colourful, and has clear pictures for the new vocabulary. The choice of languages is very good. Overall, a fantastic app with some very useful features. Definitely on my "recommended" list :)Darren CameronAndroid
I have absolutely loved this app. It’s the only app I have found that teaches the correct Egyptian Arabic instead of just general arabic and so far it has helped me so much to communicate with my husbands family however I have got so far earning coins to go into new topics and I am now at the point where I have completed topics so have no way of earning anymore so either have to buy coins or pay the subscription to continue which is very disappointing as I didn’t want to stop using this app☹️O2 ukiPhone
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