지금 바로 uTalk에서 무료로 새로운 언어 회화를 시작해보세요. 아제르바이잔어에서 줄루어에 이르기까지, 150가지가 넘는 언어를 선택할 수 있습니다. 스타터 팩에 포함된 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
This app is amazing. I tried so many apps to try and learn the language I want to learn and they did not even have them. I got very frustrated on till I found this app. I looked around the app and saw thousands of languages. A moment later I finally found my language. I have been using the app and it I has been doing it job.Princess IbehAndroid
resourceful and super cool app.uTalk CustomerAndroid
I love it so muchGabisile SibanyoniAndroid
Love being able to dip in and out of different languages comparing words and phrases. Very easy to use. Good to have some coins to start and get a taste. But subscribing gives me unlimited choice so I'm going to try that.MediamoteiPhone
I cannot stress how much I love this app! When I began learning Japanese I didnt know utalk existed so I had to use the silly inaccurate free apps which didnt help whatsoever. Then, when I found utalk my life was saved! Thank you so much!Videos By Rainbow RockerzAndroid
I have tried several language learning tools - I like this one the best by far! Like more = use more = learn more = WINdavid petersAndroid
The developer plans to release Tibetan, i hope it covers a lot of topics and look forward to its release. I am pleased with their response. :)Legit BronyiPhone
You know how the other voices are like a robot wow that helped me with Macedonia! I hope the developer see’s this and reply’s btw just a messeage to the owner :he did great working on this app. Great I downloaded this app it’s really helped me I hope I can learn different languages later throughout my life. Btw I just want to say about the coins how do you get coins because I’m quite new I only got this last night so woah I got a lot of words in a night!Agln323iPhone
This app has over 60 categories to choose from with helpful vocabulary and phrases. I already speak, read, and write Thai, but this app is helping to fill in vocabulary gaps. Also, I love the recall section where you test your pronunciation against a native speaker (both male and female recordings). The microphone doesn’t lie! If you are buying this for mass sentences, syntax, or fluency in a language, you will be disappointed. Check out glossika instead. However, if you are looking for helpful vocabulary and you want to work on your accent, this is a fun app to accomplish those goals. Oh yeah, I just bough the Thai language for $40.99 and thinks it’s a better deal over all.tsunami8705iPhone
Thanks for adding gulf arabic. I am so happy for it. Thank you.kim kulAndroid
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