
uTalk Эхлэх Багцаа Өнөөдөр Үнэгүй аваарай!

Өнөөдрөөс uTalk-д шинэ хэл үнэгүй сурч эхлээрэй. Танд Азербайжанаас эхлэн Зулу хэл хүртэл 150 гаруй хэлнээс сонгох боломж бий. Таны эхлэх багцанд:

Үнэгүй Эхлэх Багцаа аваарай

Topic Preview Image Хөл бөмбөгийн Тайлбар
Topic Preview Image Гадаад дахь Хөл Бөмбөгийн Тэмцээн
Topic Preview Image Амралтын өдөр
Topic Preview Image Нийгмийн Үг Хэллэгүүд
Topic Preview Image Хорь хүртэлх тоо

Үнэгүй Эхлэх Багцаа аваарай

uTalk-тай 30 гаруй сая хэрэглэгчид шинэ хэлээр ярьж сурчээ


Өдөр тутмын хэрэглээг багтаасан 60+сэдвүүд 2500 гаруй үг, хэллэгүүдтэй

Native Speakers

Ярианы дадлага хийж өөрийнхөө дуудлагыг унаган хэлтнийхтэй харьцуулаарай.


Тоглоомд суурилсан сургалт сонирхол татам бас зугаатай 

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Never seen so many languages in one app! I only wanted Dutch and the vocabulary is extensive, well produced and clear. Haven't tried any other languages yet but may serve me well for an upcoming skiing holiday. BravoJosephiPhone  
So much content and the ability to tailor specifically the language topics I need.BarnyardosiPhone  
I think this is the best language app that I have found. I was looking for a while for an app that could teach you Latin, not Latin American. I can now say hello, yes, no, please, and other words in Latin.DontBeSherlockedAndroid  
Awsome help ful to learn any language.Ravi KumarAndroid  
If you can't decide which language you want to learn, this app is great because you can dip in and try lots of different ones. And I love that it works on my computer, phone and iPad!Lillibet82iPhone  
It’s amazing to have so many languages to choose from. The games are simple and fun. I love that Starter Words is free in every language, so you can try as many as you like!Matt GarlandiPhone  
This app is such a fun way to learn the basics of a new language. I love the new update with the additional topics!TrixxiiÕiPhone  
This is my favorite language learning app! It makes learning easy and enjoyable. Great layout and content. I'm studying Punjabi, and Kyrgyz, and I've noticed more progress with this app than in any other app I've used.Emily SinghAndroid  
I love the vast number of languages you can learn here.Stephanie GeorgeAndroid  
Really like this app for learning Latvian, can't find many other options but this one seems well made and good quality. My wife who is Latvian says the accent is very good. The one comment was that some of the expressions are more formal than you might use but I'm happy with that as she can teach me the slang! You get a free demo of two of the sections before having to buy anything, and it's about £40 for the whole language which is very reasonable compared to teachers, or you can just buy individual sections which I have done so far.helen1331iPhone