Learn Esperanto

Learn Esperanto online with practical, real-life situations! Simple, fast and easy learning. Speak Esperanto language with confidence. Start now with uTalk!

About Esperanto

Esperanto is the world’s most widely spoken constructed language. It was created in 1887 by Ludwik Zamenhof who dreamt of a universal language to promote international peace and understanding. Today, Esperanto has a thriving community around the globe, with high numbers of speakers in Northern Europe, Brazil and China. As an Esperanto speaker, you can stay with other Esperantists for free all around the world using the Pasporta Servo - Passport Service - programme.

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Kafon, mi petas.

I’d like a coffee, please.

Planet Earth

Where is it spoken?


People Talking

Number of speakers


Family Tree

Language family

Constructed language

Fun facts — Esperanto

  • There is nothing irregular about this language: nouns always end in -o, adjectives always end in -a, and there is only one conjugation to each verb!
  • At an Esperanto get-together, you may hear the phrase 'ne krokodilu!' - don't crocodile - which is an instruction not to speak your native language instead of Esperanto.
  • Despite being a constructed language, there are now about 1000 'denaska' - native - speakers of Esperanto.
  • In Esperanto, if you want to say 'it's all Greek to me' you say 'ĝi estas laŭ mi Volapukaĵo' which literally translates as 'It's all Volapük to me'!

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