100 Most Common Italian Words

When learning a new language, one of the most useful things you can do is learn the words that crop up often. Frequency lists show you words in a language that are used most, well, frequently. In this post, we’ve gathered together the 100 most frequent Italian words – take a look and see which ones you’re missing!

Learning Italian? You’ve come to the right place!

We’ve used this frequency list from Wiktionary to gather together the 100 most common Italian words. Don’t worry about learning them all at once – if you don’t know most of them already, then you’ll certainly come across them as you keep learning. Plus, this is a long list, so it’s probably most useful to dip in and out and find the ones you don’t know.

Each word on our list comes with its English definition, the type of word that it is (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) and some example sentences or phrases, many of which have been taken from the uTalk app.

Oh, and if you add them up, you might find that there’s a few more than 100 on here…

Let’s get started!

100 most common Italian words: 1-10

1. non

Meaning: not
Type of word: adverb

  • Non lo so. – I don’t know.
  • Non funziona. – It doesn’t work.

2. di

Meaning: of, from, by, than, about
Type of word: preposition

  • una tazzina di caffè – a cup of coffee
  • Che genere di musica ti piace? – What kind of music do you like?

3. che

Meaning: what, which
Type of word: conjunction

  • Che cosa fai questo fine settimana? – What are you doing at the weekend?
  • Che giorno è oggi? – What date is today?

4. essere

Meaning: to be
Type of word: verb

io sonoI am
tu seiyou (singular) are
lui / lei / Lei èhe / she is, you (formal) are
noi siamowe are
voi sieteyou (plural) are
loro sonothey are
  • Sono in pensione. – I’m retired.
  • Sei un medico? – Are you a doctor?
  • Dov’è la banca? – Where is the bank?
  • Dove siamo? – Where are we?
  • Siete vegetariani? – Are you (all) vegetarian?
  • Quanti sono? – How many are there?

5. e, ed

Meaning: and
Type of word: conjunction
Note: Ed is used before a word starting with a vowel

  • il pestello e il mortaio – pestle and mortar
  • Qui ed ora. – Here and now.

6. il, lo, l’, la, i, gli, le

Meaning: the
Type of word: article
Note: All of these words mean ‘the’, but change depending on the gender and number of the noun they correspond to, as well as the letter or sound the noun begins with

begins with a consonant (except those below)ili
begins with a vowell’gli
begins with S + consonant, GN, PN, PS, X, Y, Zlogli
begins with a consonantlale
begins with a vowell’le
  • l’acqua – water
  • il vino – wine
  • la terra – earth
  • lo scarafaggio – cockroach
  • gli uccelli – birds
  • i palchi – antlers
  • le zampe – paws

7. un, uno, una, un’

Meaning: a/an
Type of word: article
Note: All of these words mean ‘the’, but change depending on the gender of the noun they correspond to, as well as the letter or sound the noun begins with

begins with a vowel or consonant (except those below)un
begins with S + consonant, GN, PN, PS, X, Y, Zuno
begins with a consonantuna
begins with a vowelun’
  • Un caffè, grazie. – A coffee, please.
  • Posso avere uno sconto? – Can I have a discount?
  • Mi ha punto una vespa. – I was stung by a wasp.
  • È un’emergenza. – It’s an emergency.

8. a

Meaning: to, at, in, by, on
Type of word: preposition

  • Sabato vado a teatro. – I am going to the theatre on Saturday.
  • Questo treno va a Parigi? – Which train goes to Paris?

9. per

Meaning: for, to, through, in, on, in order to
Type of word: preposition

  • Per quante notti? – For how many nights?
  • Un tavolo per due, grazie. – A table for two, please.

10. in

Meaning: in, to, into
Type of word: preposition

  • Lei è in vacanza? – Are you on holiday?
  • Posso pagare in contanti? – Can I pay in cash?

100 most common Italian words: 11-20

11. mi (ti, La, lo, la, ci, vi, li, le)

Meaning: me
Type of word: pronoun
Notes: These are object pronouns, which stand in for nouns when it’s clear who or what is being talked about. The first set are unstressed; the second are stressed.

Object pronouns in Italian

Singular UnstressedSingular StressedEnglish
LoLuiyou (formal, masculine or feminine)
loluihim/it (masculine)
laleiher/it (feminine)
Plural UnstressedPlural StressedEnglish
lilorothem (masculine)
lelorothem (feminine)
  • Mi fai vedere? – Can you show me?
  • Mi porta una bottiglia d’acqua, per favore? – Could I have a bottle of water, please?

12. avere

Meaning: to have
Type of word: verb
Notes: Avere is also used to form the present perfect tense, e.g. I have done something.

io hoI have
tu haiyou (singular) have
lui / lei / Lei hahe / she has, you (formal) have
noi abbiamowe have
voi aveteyou (plural) have
loro hannothey have
  • Ho mal di testa. – I have a headache.
  • Hai programmi? – Do you have plans?
  • Tom ha un’altra casa a Boston. – Tom has another house in Boston.
  • Perché non abbiamo abbastanza cibo per tutti? – Why don’t we have enough food for everyone?
  • Avete già risolto tutti i problemi? – Have you (all) solved all the problems yet?
  • Ora hanno tre figli. – Now they have three children.

13. ma

Meaning: but
Type of word: conjunction

  • Ma perché? – But why?
  • La balena non è un pesce, ma un mammifero. – The whale is not a fish but a mammal.

14. si (mi, ti, ci, vi)

Meaning: oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves
Type of word: pronoun
Note: This is a reflexive pronoun, i.e. it is used to refer back to a person or thing. Some are the same as the direct object pronouns. Some verbs are reflexive (e.g. to comb one’s hair) and will use these pronouns.

Reflexive pronouns in Italian

Singular ItalianEnglish
sihimself, herself, itself
Plural ItalianEnglish
  • Si considera intelligente. – She considers herself smart.
  • A volte la storia si ripete. – Sometimes history repeats itself.

15. con

Meaning: with
Type of word: preposition

  • Sabato sera esco con degli amici. – On Saturday night I’m going out with some friends.
  • Posso pagare con carta di credito? – Can I pay with a credit card?

16. cosa

Meaning: thing, object, item; what
Type of word: noun (feminine)

  • Che cosa stai leggendo? – What are you reading?
  • Lei cosa consiglia? – What do you recommend?

17. se

Meaning: if, whether
Type of word: conjunction

  • Se è Tom, abbiamo dei problemi. – If it’s Tom, we’ve got problems.
  • Può andare a casa presto se vuole. – You can go home early if you want.

18. io (tu, Lei, lui, lei, noi, voi, Loro, loro)

Meaning: I
Type of word: pronoun
Notes: These are subject pronouns, which take the place of nouns as the subject of a sentence. They are sometimes dropped in Italian because the form of the verb usually lets us know what it refers to.

Subject pronouns in Italian

Singular ItalianEnglish
tuyou (casual/familiar)
Leiyou (formal/polite)
luihe/it (masc. nouns)
leishe/it (fem. nouns)
Plural ItalianEnglish
voiyou (casual/familiar)
Loroyou (formal/polite)
lorothey (masculine/feminine)
  • Io ho salvato la gatta. – I rescued the cat.
  • Io studio constantemente. – I’m constantly studying.

19. come

Meaning: how, as, like
Type of word: adverb

  • Come ci arrivo? – How do I get there?
  • Come sta? – How are you?

20. da

Meaning: from, to, at, through
Type of word: preposition

  • Da dove viene? – Where are you from?
  • Da portare via? – Is it to go?

100 most common Italian words: 21-30

21. no

Meaning: no, not
Type of word: adverb

  • No, grazie. – No, thank you.
  • Viene o no? – Are you coming or not?

22. questo (questa, questi, queste)

Meaning: this
Type of word: adjective

  • È questo il binario giusto? – Is this the right platform?
  • Che cos’è questo? – What is this?

23. qui

Meaning: here
Type of word: adverb

  • Dovete aspettare qui. – Wait here.
  • Da mangiare qui. – To eat in.

24. del (dello, dell’, della, dei, degli, delle)

Meaning: of the
Type of word: preposition
Notes: [Di] + [definite article].

begins with a consonant (except those below)deldei
begins with a voweldell’degli
begins with S + consonant, GN, PN, PS, X, Y, Zdellodegli
begins with a consonantdelladelle
begins with a voweldell’delle

25. bene

Meaning: well, okay
Type of word: adverb

  • Bene, grazie. – Fine, thanks.
  • Mi sento bene. – I feel okay.

26. sì

Meaning: yes
Type of word: adverb

  • Sì, grazie. – Yes, thank you.
  • Sì, probabilmente sarò a casa. – Yes, I’ll probably be at home.

27. piú

Meaning: more
Type of word: adverb

  • Per favore, parli più lentamente. – Please speak more slowly.
  • Io voglio solo un po’ più di informazioni. – I just want a little more information.

28. al (alla, ai, alle, allo, agli, all’)

Meaning: to the
Type of word: preposition
Notes: [A] + [definite article].

begins with a consonant (except those below)alai
begins with a vowelall’agli
begins with S + consonant, GN, PN, PS, X, Y, Zalloagli
begins with a consonantallaalle
begins with a vowelall’alle

29. mio (tuo, suo, nostro, vostro, loro)

Meaning: my, mine
Type of word: adjective

Possessive AdjectiveMasculine SingularMasculine PluralFeminine SingularFeminine Plural
his, her, itssuosuoisuasue
your (pl.)vostrovostrivostravostre
  • Errore mio. – My mistake.
  • Tom conosce il mio nome? – Does Tom know my name?

30. perché

Meaning: why, because
Type of word: adverb, conjunction

  • Perché siete ancora svegli? – Why are you still awake?
  • Venga dentro perché fa freddo fuori. – Come inside because it’s cold outside.

100 most common Italian words: 31-40

31. solo

Meaning: only, alone
Type of word: adjective

  • Mary è venuta da sola. – Mary came on her own.
  • Ha solo quindici anni. – She’s only fifteen.

32. tutto

Meaning: all
Type of word: adjective

  • Andrà tutto bene. – Everything will be alright.
  • I soldi non sono tutto. – Money isn’t everything.

32. così

Meaning: so, thus
Type of word: adverb

  • Perché vi piace così tanto? – Why do you like that so much?
  • Perché sei venuta qui così presto? – Why did you come here so early?

33. ne

Meaning: about, of; some of, any, none; from the
Type of word: pronoun, adverb
Notes: If used as a pronoun, ne stands for [di] + [pronoun] and can be translated as [preposition] + ‘it/them’ for any preposition translated as di in Italian.

  • Che ne pensi? – What did you think of it?
  • Io ne sono veramente fiera. – I’m really proud of that.

34. fare

Meaning: to do, to make
Type of word: verb

io faccioI do, make
tu faiyou do, make
lui / lei / Lei fahe / she does, makes; you (formal) do, make
noi facciamowe do, make
voi fateyou (plural) do, make
loro fannothey do, make
  • Che faccio dopo? – What do I do next?
  • Tu che fai domani? – What are you doing tomorrow?
  • Non fa molto, vero? – He doesn’t do much, does he? / She doesn’t do much, does she?
  • Noi facciamo il burro a partire dal latte. – We make butter from milk.
  • Che cosa fate quest’estate? – What are you doing this summer?
  • A loro piace quello che fanno. – They enjoy what they do.

35. quando

Meaning: when
Type of word: adverb, conjunction

  • Ho incontrato José quando ero a Bilbao. – I met José when I was in Bilbao.
  • Quando parte l’ultimo treno? – When does the last train leave?

36. ora

Meaning: now; hour, time
Type of word: adverb, noun

  • A che ora parte il treno? – What time does the train leave?
  • Forse cambierà ora. – Maybe that will change now.

37. sapere

Meaning: to know
Type of word: verb

io soI know
tu saiyou know
lui / lei / Lei sahe / she knows; you (formal) know
noi sappiamowe know
voi sapeteyou (plural) know
loro sannothey know
  • Non so per niente l’inglese. – I don’t know English at all.
  • Sai perché Tom se n’è andato? – Do you know why Tom left?
  • Sa come posso arrivarci? – Do you know how I can get there?
  • Non sappiamo usarlo. – We don’t know how to use it.
  • Sapete qualcosa della sua famiglia? – Do you know anything about his family?
  • I vostri genitori non lo sanno? – Your parents don’t know?

38. mai

Meaning: never, ever
Type of word: adverb

  • Tom non cucina mai la domenica. – Tom never cooks on Sunday.
  • Voi siete mai state alle Hawaii? – Have you ever been to Hawaii?

39. chi

Meaning: who, whom, whoever
Type of word: pronoun

  • Per chi tifa? – Who do you support?
  • Non sa chi costruì queste case. – She doesn’t know who built these houses.

40. o

Meaning: or
Type of word: conjugation

  • Preferisci leggere o guardare la televisione? – Do you prefer to read or watch TV?
  • Noi non sappiamo se è un problema o no. – We don’t know if it’s a problem or not.

100 most common Italian words: 41-50

41. molto

Meaning: very; a lot (of), much, many
Type of word: adverb, adjective

  • Non sono molto brava a tennis. – I’m not very good at tennis.
  • Io ho molti soldi. – I have lots of money.

42. anche

Meaning: too, also, as well
Type of word: adverb

  • A lei piacciono anche i libri. – She also likes books.
  • Non la pensi così anche tu? – Don’t you think so, too?

43. dire

Meaning: to say, to tell
Type of word: verb

io dicoI say
tu diciyou say
lui / lei / Lei dicehe / she says; you (formal) say
noi diciamowe say
voi diteyou (plural) say
loro diconothey say
  • Ascolta quello che dico. – Listen to what I am saying.
  • Perché lo dici sempre? – Why do you always say that?
  • Tom dice che questa sera deve lavorare. – Tom says he has to work tonight.
  • Che gli diciamo? – What do we tell him?
  • Quello che dite è impossibile. – What you say is impossible.
  • Dicono che non avevano degli avvocati. – They say they didn’t have lawyers.

44. quello

Meaning: that
Type of word: adjective

begins with a consonant (except those below)quelquei
begins with a vowelquell’quegli
begins with S + consonant, GN, PN, PS, X, Y, Zquelloquegli
begins with a consonantquellaquelle
begins with a vowelquell’quelle
  • Quello non mi piace. – I don’t like that.
  • Capisci quello che dico? – Do you understand?

45. andare

Meaning: to go,
Type of word: verb

io vadoI go
tu vaiyou go
lui / lei / Lei vahe / she goes; you (formal) go
noi andiamowe go
voi andateyou (plural) go
loro vannothey go
  • Sabato vado a teatro. – I am going to the theatre on Saturday.
  • Perché non vai al posto mio? – Why don’t you go instead of me?
  • Questo treno a va Parigi? – Which train is going to Paris?
  • Noi andiamo a Boston. – We’re going to Boston.
  • Siete andate dappertutto. – You went everywhere.
  • Sia mia sorella che mio fratello vanno all’università. – Both my sister and brother go to university.

46. niente

Meaning: nothing, anything
Type of word: pronoun

  • Fadil non ha fatto niente. – Fadil did nothing.
  • Non ho mai detto niente a nessuno. – I never said anything to anybody.

47. grazie

Meaning: thank you
Type of word: interjection, noun

  • Grazie per l’aiuto. – Thank you for helping.
  • È grazie a suo padre che possiede questo hotel. – It’s thanks to his father that he owns this hotel.

48. volere

Meaning: to want, to desire
Type of word: verb

io voglioI want
tu vuoiyou want
lui / lei / Lei vuolehe / she wants; you (formal) want
noi vogliamowe want
voi voleteyou (plural) want
loro voglionothey want
  • Voglio essere sicuro. – I want to be sure.
  • Vuoi bere qualcosa? – Would you like another drink?
  • Cosa vuole ordinare? – What would you like to order?
  • Vogliamo vedere Tom vincere. – We want to see Tom win.
  • Voi volete essere miei amici? – Do you want to be my friend?
  • Sia Tom che Mary vogliono andare. – Tom and Mary both want to go.

49. stare

Meaning: to be, to live, to stay
Type of word: verb
Notes: Stare is used with the present participle to create the present continuous case (e.g. Stiamo aspettando – ‘We are waiting’.)

io stoI am
tu staiyou are
lui / lei / Lei stahe / she is; you (formal) are
noi stiamowe are
voi stateyou (plural) are
loro stannothey are
  • Sto bene, grazie, e tu? – I’m fine, thanks, and you?
  • Come stai? – How are you?
  • Come sta la tua famiglia ospitante? – How is your host family?
  • Stiamo aspettando che arrivi la pizza. – We’re waiting for the pizza to arrive.
  • Dov’è stata questa settimana? – Where have you been this week?
  • I bambini stanno giocando nell’acqua. – The children are playing in the water.

50. nel (nella, nei, nelle, nello, negli, nell’)

Meaning: in the
Type of word: preposition
Notes: [In] + [definite article].

begins with a consonant (except those below)nelnei
begins with a vowelnell’negli
begins with S + consonant, GN, PN, PS, X, Y, Znellonegli
begins with a consonantnellanelle
begins with a vowelnell’nelle
  • Dove vivi nel mondo? – Where do you live in the world?
  • Trovo che la vita nel paese sia piacevole. – I find that life in the country is pleasant.

100 most common Italian words: 51-60

51. dove

Meaning: where
Type of word: adverb

  • Dove siamo? – Where are we?
  • Dove posso trovare un albergo? – Where can I find a hotel?

52. potere

Meaning: can, to be able to
Type of word: verb

io possoI can
tu puoiyou can
lui / lei / Lei puòhe / she / you (formal) can
noi possiamowe can
voi poteteyou (plural) can
loro possonothey can
  • Dove posso lasciare i bagagli? – Where can I leave my luggage?
  • Puoi andare. – You can leave.
  • Si può fermare lì? – Can you stop over there?
  • Possiamo permettercelo? – Can we afford it?
  • Potete aspettare qui. – You can wait here.
  • Le apparenze possono essere ingannevoli. – Appearances can be deceptive.

53. prima

Meaning: before, earlier, once, at one time
Type of word: adverb

  • Non svegliatemi prima delle due e mezza. – Don’t wake me up before 2:30.
  • Non ci vorrà molto prima che arrivi. – It won’t be long before he arrives.

54. allora

Meaning: then (at that time), back then, so; then, in that case
Type of word: adverb, conjunction

  • Allora, l’hai già detto a lei? – So, have you told her yet?
  • Tom era qui allora. – Tom was here then.

55. due

Meaning: two
Type of word: noun, adjective

  • Due birre, grazie. – Two beers, please.
  • Vorrei stare due notti. – We would like to stay for two nights.

56. ancora

Meaning: again, one more time, still, even now
Type of word: adverb

  • Non è ancora capitato niente. – Nothing has happened yet.
  • Le profondità del mare sono ancora inesplorate. – The sea bottom is still unexplored.

57. qualcosa

Meaning: something, anything
Type of word: pronoun

  • Vuoi bere qualcosa? – Would you like to drink something?
  • Dove posso trovare qualcosa da mangiare? – Where can I find something to eat?

58. vero

Meaning: real, true, authentic
Type of word: adjective

  • È vero che Midori suona il violino molto bene? – Is it true that Midori plays the violin very well?
  • Qual è quella vera? – Which is the real one?

59. casa

Meaning: house, home
Type of word: noun

  • Abitiamo nella casa numero cinquanta, vicino al supermercato. – We live in house number fifty, near the supermarket.
  • Ci sono molte persone nella casa. – There are many people in the house.

60. sempre

Meaning: always, forever
Type of word: adjective

  • Perché sei sempre così tranquilla? – Why are you always so quiet?
  • La notte segue sempre il giorno. – Night always follows day.

100 most common Italian words: 61-70

61. forse

Meaning: maybe, perhaps
Type of word: adverb

  • Forse la dovremmo chiamare. – Maybe we should call her.
  • Stavo pensando che forse potrei aiutarvi. – I was thinking maybe I could help you.

62. altro

Meaning: another, other, more, further, else
Type of word: adjective

  • Le serve altro? – Is that everything? (Can I bring you anything else?)
  • L’altro giorno ho incontrato Meg a Kyoto. – The other day I met Meg in Kyoto.

63. dovere

Meaning: must, to have to
Type of word: verb

io devo/debboI must
tu deviyou must
lui / lei / Lei devehe / she / you (formal) must
noi dobbiamowe must
voi doveteyou (plural) must
loro devono/debbonothey must
  • Dove devo scendere? – Where do I have to get off?
  • Tu devi aver visto qualcosa. – You must have seen something.
  • Lei deve rispondere alla sua lettera. – You have to answer his letter.
  • Quanto dobbiamo aspettare? – How long do we have to wait?
  • Dovete aspettare qui. – You must wait here.
  • L’insegnante di Tom e Mary ha detto che devono prestare più attenzione in classe. – Tom and Mary’s teacher said that they need to pay more attention in class.

64. tempo

Meaning: time, period of time, duration; weather
Type of word: noun

  • Ci serve più tempo. – We need more time.
  • Il tempo è buono a Londra. – The weather is fine in London.

65. certo

Meaning: certain, sure, reliable
Type of word: adjective

  • Sono certo che i tuoi genitori devono essere orgogliosi di te. – I’m sure your parents must be proud of you.
  • Io sono quasi certa. – I’m almost certain.

66. poi

Meaning: then, after
Type of word: adverb

  • Siamo andate insieme a Laramie, ma poi ci siamo separate. – We went together to Laramie, but then we split up.
  • Sono tornato a casa, poi sono uscito con i miei amici. – I went back home, then I went out with my friends.

67. uomo

Meaning: man, human being, mankind
Type of word: noun

  • Uomo in mare! – Man overboard!
  • Essere un uomo ricco non significa che sia felice. – Being a rich man does not mean that he is happy.

68. signore

Meaning: Mr, sir, man, gentleman
Type of word: noun

  • Qual è il problema, signore? – What’s the matter, sir?
  • Che cosa fa quel signore per vivere? – What does that gentleman do for a living?

69. poco

Meaning: little, few, not many
Type of word: adjective, pronoun, adverb

  • Poco a poco l’acqua diventa meno profonda. – Little by little the water gets shallower.
  • Ho poco esperienza. – I have some experience.

70. credere

Meaning: to believe
Type of word: verb

io credoI believe
tu crediyou believe
lui / lei / Lei credehe / she believes; you (formal) believe
noi crediamowe believe
voi credeteyou (plural) believe
loro credonothey believe
  • Non credo che Tom si presenterà. – I don’t believe Tom will show up.
  • Tu ci credi veramente? – Do you really believe it?
  • Tom non crede nel karma. – Tom doesn’t believe in karma.
  • Tom lo sa che noi crediamo in lui. – Tom knows we believe in him.
  • Voi non ci credete, vero? – You don’t believe it, do you?
  • Il futuro appartiene a coloro che credono nella bellezza dei loro sogni. – The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

100 most common Italian words: 71-80

71. già

Meaning: already, yet
Type of word: adverb

  • Sono già pronti? – Are they ready yet?
  • Sì, è già iniziato. – Yes, it has already started.

72. adesso

Meaning: now
Type of word: adverb

  • Non te ne preoccupare adesso. – Don’t worry about that now.
  • Tom non è qui adesso, però Mary lo è. – Tom isn’t here now, but Mary is.

73. anno

Meaning: year
Type of word: noun

  • Siamo andati a Londra l’anno scorso. – We went to London last year.
  • Il prossimo anno voglio questi. – Next year, I’ll want these ones.

74. vedere

Meaning: to see, to look at
Type of word: verb

io vedo/veggoI see
tu vediyou see
lui / lei / Lei vedehe / she sees; you (formal) see
noi vediamowe see
voi vedeteyou (plural) see
loro vedono/veggonothey see
  • Io vedo cos’ha fatto lì. – I see what you did there.
  • Cosa immagini quando vedi quell’immagine? – What do you imagine when you see that picture?
  • Lui che cosa vede? – What does he see?
  • È da ieri che non vediamo Tom. – We haven’t seen Tom since yesterday.
  • Li vedete? – Do you see them?
  • Ci vedono spesso. – They often see us.

75. fuori

Meaning: out, outside
Type of word: preposition

  • Venga dentro. C’è freddo fuori. – Come inside. It’s cold outside.
  • Sono tutti fuori. – Everyone’s out.

76. proprio

Meaning: one’s, one’s own
Type of word: adjective

  • Yanni ha il suo proprio armadio. – Yanni has his own wardrobe.
  • Lui non sa scrivere il proprio nome. – He cannot write his own name.

77. parte

Meaning: part
Type of word: noun

  • La maggior parte è in francese. – Most of it is in French.
  • Da quale parte dell’Australia viene? – What part of Australia are you from?

78. davvero

Meaning: really, in fact
Type of word: adverb

  • A me piacciono davvero i vostri dipinti. – I really like your paintings.
  • Fa davvero caldo qui dentro. – It’s really hot in here.

79. quanto

Meaning: how, how much, how many
Type of word: adjective, adverb

  • Quanto costa questo? – How much is this?
  • Quant’è profondo? – How deep is it?

80. volta

Meaning: time, instance, occasion
Type of word: noun

  • No, grazie. Magari la prossima volta. – No, thank you. Maybe next time.
  • Uno per volta. – One at a time.

100 most common Italian words: 81-90

81. via

Meaning: street, path; away
Type of word: noun, adverb

  • Potrebbe essere via al momento. – He might be away at the moment.
  • È la via più lunga della città. – This is the city’s longest street.

82. su

Meaning: on, upon, over, about
Type of word: preposition

  • Sono salito su un autobus per Boston. – I got on a bus for Boston.
  • Ha scritto un libro su un uccello. – She wrote a book about a bird.

83. dio

Meaning: god, deity
Type of word: noun

  • Lei adora Dio. – She loves God.
  • Voi credete in Dio? – Do you believe in God?

84. dopo

Meaning: after, later; then
Type of word: adverb, preposition, conjunction

  • A dopo! – See you later!
  • Continuò il suo lavoro dopo una breve pausa. – He continued his work after a short break.

85. senza

Meaning: without
Type of word: conjunction, preposition

  • Senza zucchero. – Without sugar.
  • Non riesco ad immaginarmi la vita senza Internet. – I can’t imagine life without the internet.

86. nessuno

Meaning: no, any; none, no one, nobody
Type of word: determiner, pronoun

  • Nessuno sembra occupato. – No one looks busy.
  • Non guido mai da nessuna parte. – I never drive anywhere.

87. giorno

Meaning: day
Type of word: noun

  • Va al supermercato ogni tre giorni. – She goes to the supermarket every three days.
  • Vieni qua ogni giorno? – Do you come here every day?

88. padre

Meaning: father
Type of word: noun

  • Mio padre è andato in Cina. – My father has gone to China.
  • Tom assomiglia in molte cose a suo padre. – Tom takes after his father in a lot of ways.

89. ciao

Meaning: hello, goodbye
Type of word: interjection

  • Ciao! State bene? – Hi! Are you okay?
  • Ciao, posso parlare con Tom? – Hello, may I speak to Tom?

90. ecco

Meaning: here; here it is
Type of word: adverb, interjection

  • Ecco la vostra chiave della stanza. – Here’s your room key.
  • Hai freddo? Ecco, prendi il mio cappotto. – Are you cold? Here, take my coat.

100 most common Italian words: 91-100

91. qualcuno

Meaning: someone, somebody
Type of word: pronoun

  • C’è ancora qualcuno lì dentro. – There is someone in there.
  • Io ho sentito qualcuno per strada che mi chiamava. – I heard someone on the street calling me.

92. dal (dallo, dall’, dalla, dai, dagli, dalle)

Meaning: from the
Type of word: preposition
Notes: [Da] + [definite article].

begins with a consonant (except those below)daldai
begins with a voweldall’dagli
begins with S + consonant, GN, PN, PS, X, Y, Zdallodagli
begins with a consonantdalladalle
begins with a voweldall’dalle
  • Vengo dal Giappone. – I am from Japan.
  • Quando ti alzi dal letto? – When are you getting out of bed?

93. lavorare

Meaning: to work
Type of word: verb

io lavoroI work
tu lavoriyou work
lui / lei / Lei lavorahe / she works; you (formal) work
noi lavoriamowe work
voi lavorateyou (plural) work
loro lavoranothey work
  • Lavoro solo tre ore al giorno. – I only work three hours a day.
  • Tu lavori la sera? – Do you work at night?
  • Lavora tutta la notte. – She works all night.
  • Lavoriamo ancora come insegnanti. – We still work as teachers.
  • Voi lavorate con lui? – Do you work with him?
  • Loro lavorano per me. – They work for me.

94. ogni

Meaning: each, every
Type of word: determiner

  • Facciamo questo ogni notte. – We do this every night.
  • Ho deciso di studiare ogni giorno. – I decided to study every day.

95. troppo

Meaning: too much, too many
Type of word: determiner, pronoun

  • Non troppo piccante, per favore. – Not too spicy, please.
  • È troppo caro. – It’s too expensive.

96. posto

Meaning: place, spot, position, seat
Type of word: noun

  • È libero questo posto? – Is this seat free?
  • Questo posto mi dà i brividi. – This place gives me the creeps.

97. cui

Meaning: whom, which, whose
Type of word: pronoun, determiner

  • Tom ha trovato un posto in cui vivere. – Tom found a place to live.
  • Io ho conosciuto un giovane il cui nome era Tom. – I met a young man whose name was Tom.

98. tanto

Meaning: so much, so many, much, many; so much, very
Type of word: determiner, pronoun

  • Non mettere così tanto pepe nella minestra. – Don’t put so much pepper in the soup.
  • Non può costare così tanto. – It can’t cost that much.

99. male

Meaning: badly, wrongly
Type of word: adverb

  • Mi sento male. – I feel ill.
  • Non l’ho mai sentita parlar male di nessuno. – I’ve never heard her speak badly of others.

100. bisognare

Meaning: to be necessary, to have to, must, should
Type of word: verb
Notes: Bisognare is impersonal, which means it can only be used in the third person singular (bisogna). You may see [avere] + bisogno, which means ‘to need’.

  • Quali parti della città bisogna visitare? – What parts of the city have to be visited?
  • Bisogna che io mi lavi i denti. – I have to brush my teeth.

That’s a wrap!

We hope you’ve found our list of the 100 most common Italian words useful. Learning these words is an easy way to get a good foundation in the language – but don’t learn them in isolation. Most of them are featured in the uTalk app, and if they’re not, they’re still words you’ll come across often.

Good luck with your Italian learning journey!

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