Französisch und die Sprache der Liebe, Deuce, Let und Tennis

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser kleines Handbuch der Tennisbegriffe und deren Herkunft. (Tipp: Meistens aus dem Französischen!) Gemäß einiger Experten kommt das Wort Love im Tennis möglicherweise vom französischen Wort für das Ei, l’oeuf, weil ein Ei einer Null gleicht. Andere bestehen darauf, dass es so heißt, weil das Spiel aus lauter Liebe und ohne etwaige Einsätze … Read more

Il francese e la lingua di love, deuce, let e tennis

Dai un’occhiata a questa breve guida dedicata alla terminologia del tennis e alle sue origini. (Te lo sveliamo subito: sono soprattutto francesi!) Secondo alcuni esperti, il termine “love” usato nel tennis per indicare un punteggio di zero deriverebbe dalla parola francese “œuf”, che significa “uovo”: questo perché il simbolo dello zero ha una certa somiglianza … Read more

Fransk og ord som love, deuce, let og tennis

Se denne hurtige guide til tennisterminologi, og lær at forstå, hvor ordene kommer fra. (Svar: for det meste fra fransk!) Ifølge nogle eksperter kan love i tennis komme fra det franske ord for æg, l’oeuf, fordi et æg ligner et nul. Andre insisterer på, at det hedder sådan, fordi spillet spilles for kærligheds skyld, dvs. uden at … Read more

The Weird and Wonderful Language of Tennis

I’m not generally much of a sports fan, and the less said about my sporting ability – or lack thereof – the better… but I do love a good tennis match. I’m a regular supporter of the British Davis Cup team (which is a lot more fun since they started winning; our humiliating weekend in Lithuania back … Read more

How much money are you wasting on language software?

So, you’ve decided to learn a language. Great! Now what? If you’re anything like me, you’ll have gone straight to the Internet in a fit of great enthusiasm, and bought yourself a language course – whether that’s in an app, on a CD or online. You might even have gone a step further and enrolled in … Read more

Goal! around the world [Infographic]

Sometimes one word is all you need… With the World Cup getting underway today, here’s how each national team says that all-important word, ‘goal’. You can find this and lots more in our language learning app, uTalk – available to download and start learning right now from the App Store. So whether you’re watching the … Read more

10 reasons to visit… Brazil

Where else for this week’s ’10 reasons…’ post but Brazil? This huge, beautiful and unique country will be attracting tourists by the thousands over the coming weeks, so here are our top tips – whether you’re visiting for the football and have a bit of spare time, or you’re planning a holiday for later in … Read more

10 Sports Stars Who Speak Other Languages

It can often feel like life is all about sport, whether we like it or not. But have you ever wondered how good sports stars are at languages? It turns out, pretty good. Like anyone who has to travel a lot for their work, athletes often find knowing only their native language isn’t enough. Here … Read more