Discover how to talk about the days of the week, months, and seasons in Hebrew. Learn about two different calendars, both important if you’re learning the language, and where some of these words originally came from. Plus, grab some bonus time phrases at the end – great for any conversation!
Months in Hebrew
English | Hebrew | transliteration |
January | ינואר | yanuar |
February | פברואר | febru’ar |
March | מרץ | merts |
April | אפריל | april |
May | מאי | may |
June | יוני | yuni |
July | יולי | yuli |
August | אוגוסט | ogust |
September | ספטמבר | september |
October | אוקטובר | oktober |
November | נובמבר | november |
December | דצמבר | detsember |
These are the Gregorian months of the year and are the ones you’ll find in the uTalk app. You might notice that they’re quite similar to English – and if you speak some German, you’ll see that they’re even more similar to that language! This is because the Gregorian months of the year are, in fact, based on the German names of the Gregorian months.
However, there is also another calendar you might come across while learning Hebrew: The Hebrew or Jewish calendar. This is a lunisolar calendar which is both used for Jewish religious observance and is also the official calendar of Israel.
The Hebrew calendar determines the dates for Jewish holidays, daily Psalm readings, dates to commemorate the death of a relative, and other ceremonial uses. In Israel, it’s used for religious purposes and is an official calendar for civil holidays alongside the Gregorian calendar.
Month Number | Hebrew | Transliteration | Length | Holidays/Notable Days | Notes |
1 | נִיסָן | Nissan | 30 days | Passover | |
2 | אִיָּר / אִייָר | Iyar | 29 days | Pesach Sheni, Lag B’Omer | |
3 | סִיוָן / סיוון | Siwan | 30 days | Shavuot | |
4 | תַּמּוּז | Tamuz | 29 days | Seventeenth of Tammuz | |
5 | אָב | Abu | 30 days | Tisha B’Av, Tu B’Av | |
6 | אֱלוּל | Elul | 29 days | ||
7 | תִּשְׁרֵי / תִּשׁרִי | Tishrei | 30 days | Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah | |
8 | מַרְחֶשְׁוָן / מרחשוון | Marcheshvan, Cheshvan, Marẖeshwan | 29 or 30 days | ||
9 | כִּסְלֵו / כסליו | Kislev, Chisleu, Chislev | 29 or 30 days | Hanukkah | |
10 | טֵבֵת | Tebeth | 29 days | Tenth of Tevet | |
11 | שְׁבָט | Shevat, Shebat, Sebat | 30 days | Tu Bishvat | |
12L* | אֲדָר א׳ | Adar I* | 30 days | *Only in Leap years. | |
12 | אֲדָר / אֲדָר ב׳* | Adar / Adar II* | 29 days | Purim | *Only in Leap years. |
You’ll notice a difference in leap years, too. Where the Gregorian calendar usually only adds an extra day (29th February), the Hebrew calendar adds an entire extra month – Adar I, which slots in between Shevat and Adar (making it Adar II). This is why, some years, some of these holidays and festivals seem to move around so much!
Days of the week in Hebrew
English | Hebrew | transliteration |
Monday | יום שני | yom sheni |
Tuesday | יום שלישי | yom shlishi |
Wednesday | יום רביעי | yom revi’ei |
Thursday | יום חמישי | yom khamishi |
Friday | יום שישי | yom shishi |
Saturday | יום שבת | yom shabat |
Sunday | יום ראשון | yom rishon |
If you know any Hebrew, then you should find the days of the week easy enough to learn.
That’s because יום (yom) means ‘day’ and the words for ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’ and ‘fourth’ etc. are ראשון (rishon), שני (sheni), שלישי (shlishi), רביעי (revi’ei), חמישי (khamishi), and שישי (shishi) respectively.
The exception is שבת (shabat), which means Shabbat or Sabbath – i.e. a weekly day of rest.
Seasons in Hebrew
English | Hebrew | transliteration |
spring | אביב | aviv |
summer | קיץ | kaits |
autumn | סתו | stav |
winter | חורף | khoref |
The word אביב (aviv), meaning ‘spring’, originally comes from a root meaning ‘to swell’ or ‘to ripen’, probably because this is the season when plants and fruit begin to grow.
Summer, קיץ (kaits), is similar in origin to Arabic words like قَيْظ (qayz), which means ‘oppressive heat’ or ‘midsummer’ or قَاظَ (qāẓa), which means ‘to be hot’.
Other Hebrew time phrases
English | Hebrew | transliteration |
day | יום | yom |
night | לילה | laila |
week | שבוע | shavu’aa |
month | חודש | khodesh |
year | שנה | shana |
day before yesterday | שלשום | shilshom |
yesterday | אתמול | etmol |
today | היום | ha’yom |
tomorrow | מחר | makhar |
day after tomorrow | מחרתיים | mkhrataim |
morning | בוקר | boker |
afternoon | אחר הצהריים | akhar hatsohoraim |
evening | ערב | erev |
Unsurprisingly, considering the fact that Hebrew, like Arabic, is a Semitic language, lots of these terms are related to Arabic words or even derive from Proto-Semitic itself. If you already know some Arabic or Aramaic, do you recognise any on first glance?
Let us know if you enjoyed learning the days of the week, months, and seasons in Hebrew.
All the Hebrew words and phrases included in this post can be found in the Calendar topic on the uTalk app. Learn Hebrew with uTalk and you’ll learn a total of around 2,500 words and phrases that are helpful for any occasion.
Have fun and happy language learning!
Thanks for the important information which I learnt today.