Sent With Love: Our Tips for the UK Royals

Newly-wed Megan Markle touched our hearts when she called Prince Harry “my love” at a recent gala performance. But how much more fun would it have been if she’d used one of these quirky terms of affection from another tongue? Here’s our top ten suggestions: French: ma puce meaning my flea. Portuguese: chuchuzinho meaning little squash (the vegetable). Persian:  … Read more

The Travelling Potato

The everyday potato has anything but an everyday past, notching up thousands of miles – and dozens of names – in a voyage that has taken it around the world. In this post, uTalk’s Language Guru, Brian Loo Soon Hua, charts the potato’s epic journey. Starting out in Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia, where potatoes … Read more

Back to the Future with Ancient Greek

Learn Ancient Greek as it was spoken more than 2,500 years ago with the newest addition to the uTalk language learning app – and discover why there’s no word for socks! London-based language learning company uTalk made the app, in consultation with Classics experts, to recreate how hundreds of authentic Ancient Greek words and phrases … Read more

Fall In and Out of Fashion

Both the US and Britain took a leaf out of the same book back in the 17th century when it came to naming seasons. Thanks to British settlers in the New World, the two British names for our third season –  Autumn and Fall (short for Fall of the Leaf) – entered the American language. … Read more

Beware of German Gifts!

English speakers should be wary of receiving ein Gift from a German! That’s because Gift just happens to be the German word for “poison”! And more incredibly, both the English and German meanings stem from the exact same Proto-Germanic root – giftiz! Our friend and language guru Brian Loo Soon Hua explains all: The word … Read more

The Story of Tea

Why every language in the world uses the same two words for “tea” and why in fact, that assumption is wrong! (There’s actually only one word for tea!) Our friend and language guru Brian Loo Soon Hua explains all: The word “tea”, in almost every language in the world, is ultimately of Chinese origin. Whoever … Read more

The Origins of the name “Canada”

By our multi-lingual friend Brian Loo Soon Hua aka uTalk’s Language Guru   Did you know that Canada was almost named Efisga? Or, even more unusual, Hochelaga? Imagine the jokes Americans would have been making about their Efisgan or Hochelagan neighbours to the north! Thankfully, “Canada” came into official use in 1791 when the Province … Read more

Words to live by

Malaysian steamed buns – what a passer-by might offer you in a rural village.   Brian, who grew up in Malaysia, is embarrassed at any suggestion that he’s a high-achiever.   The 37-year-old, who works as a language translator, educator and blogger, is more interested in helping others learn languages than bigging himself up.   “Where … Read more