How International Are the Oscars, Anyway?

South Korean film, Parasite, has the potential to be a game-changer at the 92nd Academy Awards this weekend. Could this movie bring the ‘local’ awards ceremony kicking and screaming into an international world, or will it prove that the largest film event of the year still has a long way to come? It’s only recently … Read more

How You Can Swerve Valentine’s Day – If You’re a Man!

If Valentine’s Day gives you a heavy heart instead of a heart-warming glow, try moving to South Korea! On 14th February, women give chocolate to men as a sign of affection and all their loved ones have to do is say thank you (감사합니다 or gamsahamnida in Korean). But the tables are turned on 14th … Read more

Valentine’s – it’s not all flowers and chocolates…

Valentine’s Day is here again, and like a lot of people, I’m a bit fed up with it. I’ve lost count of the number of emails I’ve received over the last few weeks, inviting me to use Valentine’s as an excuse to buy everything from chocolates to an iPad – I even got one suggesting … Read more