Nombres de los días de la semana y meses en italiano

Déjenos ayudarle a familiarizarse con los días de la semana y los meses en italiano, profundizando en sus fascinantes derivaciones. Desde un mes vinculado a Marte, el dios de la guerra, a un día dedicado al sol, hay mucho por descubrir, además de aprender las historias de trasfondo ¡que seguramente ayudarán a que recuerdes ese … Read more

Yes, the Whole World Really Does Drink ‘Coffee’—Except Ethiopians and Armenians!

Happy Cappuccino Day! In today’s post, uTalk’s guest blogger Brian investigates the many different ways of saying ‘coffee’—and where the word used around the world actually originates! Forget about tea. Linguistically speaking, coffee is the one beverage whose name sounds the same in almost every language in the world today.  Just landed in South Africa … Read more

Samhain: A Festival of the Dead

Halloween is the favourite holiday of many people all over the world, and its origins can be traced back to ancient traditions. It has, however, been deeply influenced by a traditional Celtic harvest festival: Samhain, where the boundary between this world and the Otherworld could be more easily crossed. In the UK, at least, Halloween … Read more

8 ways to feel confident about speaking a language

So you’re off on holiday, and you’ve decided you’re going to speak a bit of the local language. You get a EuroTalk program (obviously), start learning a few key phrases, and you’re feeling good. But then you get off the plane and the doubts start to creep in. What if people laugh at your accent? What … Read more

So you want to learn Spanish?

Starting to learn Spanish has been an amazing journey. So far, the language and the people are really interesting, and it’s nice to know that a large population of Americans can speak the language. After long hours of practice, I am sitting here writing a post, while listening to my favorite Spanish rap songs. Spanish … Read more

8 ways to remember new vocabulary

Let’s start with a bold statement: everyone is good at languages. I know lots of people are probably disagreeing with me right now. But the fact is, we all learnt our own language, so technically we should be able to learn another one. Right? Of course there are lots of elements to becoming fluent in another language. … Read more

Scire linguas: Why Knowing Your Latin Can Help Your Language Skills

Thanks to London Translations for today’s blog post about the value of learning Latin! Latin, a language that is more than 2,000 years old and is still spoken in the Vatican today, has shaped modern European languages like no other. Who would’ve thought that this medium of communication, which spread through the power of the … Read more

What language does the voice in your head speak?

In today’s day and age, a great percent of the people travel, either for vacations, business or even a longer period of time, in search of a better job, better opportunities, to be with the loved ones and why not, just for the sake of a multi-cultural experience. While some of us learn a new … Read more