What Language Does Namor Speak in ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’?

Here’s a hint: it’s one you’ll find in Mexico and can learn on the uTalk app! The MCU (that’s the Marvel Cinematic Universe) is fast becoming one of the unlikeliest places to discover rare languages. Take Black Panther as an example, where some of the inhabitants of fictional Wakanda could be heard speaking Xhosa, a … Read more

Il francese e la lingua di love, deuce, let e tennis

Dai un’occhiata a questa breve guida dedicata alla terminologia del tennis e alle sue origini. (Te lo sveliamo subito: sono soprattutto francesi!) Secondo alcuni esperti, il termine “love” usato nel tennis per indicare un punteggio di zero deriverebbe dalla parola francese “œuf”, che significa “uovo”: questo perché il simbolo dello zero ha una certa somiglianza … Read more

Fransk og ord som love, deuce, let og tennis

Se denne hurtige guide til tennisterminologi, og lær at forstå, hvor ordene kommer fra. (Svar: for det meste fra fransk!) Ifølge nogle eksperter kan love i tennis komme fra det franske ord for æg, l’oeuf, fordi et æg ligner et nul. Andre insisterer på, at det hedder sådan, fordi spillet spilles for kærligheds skyld, dvs. uden at … Read more

Donner e Blitzen: la vera storia

Secondo il popolare racconto natalizio, tutte le renne di Babbo Natale all’inizio ridevano di Rudolph e lo prendevano in giro, ma da dove arrivano gli strani nomi di Donner e Blitzen? I nomi di Donner e Blitzen, insieme a quelli di Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet e Cupid, furono inventati dallo scrittore americano Clement Clarke … Read more

How to Talk About Football in 20+ Languages

No matter whether you call it football or soccer, there’s no denying that association football is one of the most popular sports in the world. In fact, with an estimated 250 million active players in over 200 countries, it might just be the most popular sport around the globe. That means, no matter where you … Read more

Which Languages are Spoken in France?

France’s national language, French, is one of the most spoken in the world. But did you know that between Metropolitan France and its overseas territories, there are, in total, 82 ‘languages of France’? In this post, we’ll take a look at languages spoken in France, which versions of French are spoken overseas and the state … Read more

How to Say ‘Hot’ in Chinese (And How to Complain About the Weather!)

With temperatures relentlessly rising in some parts of the world, and massive floods wreaking havoc in others, it’s high time we learnt how to complain about the weather in the language with the highest number of native speakers: Mandarin Chinese. After all, odds are, if you grumble dramatically in Mandarin, someone somewhere will understand you. … Read more

The Brittonic Celtic Languages: A Brief Introduction

What do Welsh, Cornish, and Breton have in common? They’re all from the same language family! Keep reading to learn more about the Brittonic branch of the Celtic language family, including its history, some useful phrases, and how the languages are doing today. The Celtic Language Family The Celtic language family is made up of … Read more

What is Kinyarwanda?

How much do you know about Kinyarwanda, one of Rwanda’s four official languages? Closely related to Kirundi, one of the more recent additions to our app, Kinyarwanda is spoken by around 13 million people all over the globe. In this post, learn more about Kinyarwanda, including some words and phrases that might just come in … Read more