What language is spoken in France?

A quick quiz question for you: what language is spoken in France? Answer: well, French of course! But did you know France is also home to several small regional languages, including Alsatian, Catalan, Breton and Occitan? Like many other European countries, the French once spoke a wide range of regional languages and dialects. However, during … Read more

Pure and simple?

Recently, Alex wrote about the way languages borrow words from each other. She pointed out that in English, we’re always using words from other languages, sometimes without even realising it, with déjà vu, karate and Zeitgeist being just a few examples. But is this mixing of languages a good thing, or should languages remain ‘pure’? … Read more

Lost in translation: making sense of maths

Reading Nat’s post about all the fascinating linguistic differences and difficulties that she and her translators experienced when translating the new uTalk app, I was reminded of some of the similar issues we’ve had in localising the maths apps. What seems totally normal to a three-year-old in the UK might not be all that familiar … Read more

Business or pleasure – it makes no difference

In an earlier post, I talked about the importance of learning a little bit of the local language before visiting another country. Not only is it the respectful thing to do, it also saves you from embarrassing misunderstandings or spending your entire holiday communicating through pointing and exaggerated mimes. A few years ago, I visited … Read more